Sunday, July 19, 2009

Today's Tunes

This is a culmination of more than just today (as this list usually is...). Go to your local library and ask if they have any of this:

1. Stravinsky, Rite of Spring...yes. Still. It's that good.
2. Shostakovich Symphonies...start with number 9
3. Poulenc choral music...recently I have listened to several secular a capella works.
4. Jean Sibelius symphonies...I took a fancy to number 2.
5. Some of the Stefan Wolpe. Different stuff...not sure I like these compositions.
6. "Richte mich, Gott" Psalm 43 by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartoldy. Ridiculously beautiful.
7. Rossini: Petite Messe Solenelle, as performed by the Leipzig Gewandhaus musicians in 2008.
8. 8 Geistliche Gesänge, Op. 138 by Max Reger. If your local library doesn't have it from iTunes. You cannot go another day of your life without hearing these 8 pieces.
9. Beethoven's 2nd, 6th, and 7th Symphonies.
10. Schoenberg's Violin Concerto, Op. 36. Fantastic writing!

Obviously, a classical list for you. I haven't listened to much music you might regularly hear on the radio...maybe a little bit of Radiohead and Damien Rice but only a little bit. I'll go through another radio music phase sometime...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

In retrospect...

I've had a few days to think about the experiences I've had the past few weeks, and all I keep thinking about is when I might be able to return. An overseas experience that lasts longer than a tourist's usual 4 or 5 days to go 30 different places to take 1500 photos is just beyond words, really. I was able to begin to get plugged into a culture in a different country and be able to experience it in it's fullness. Well, almost...the language barrier was a bit of a setback, but what I came to know and realize firsthand is that the normal Leipziger is a lot like me. The German works hard, earns money, pays rent and other bills, eats, sleeps, bathes, and has a good time with friends. If I spoke German fluently, I would look just like any other Leipziger.
My guess is that had I visited Hong Kong I would come to a similar conclusion about Hong Kong's culture. Granted these cultures have slightly different laws than to which I am accustomed, but it really is, from a broad perspective, the same: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The Germans don't walk around kicking people not expecting consequences. At one small time in their history that may have been the case, depending on which political party or political/ military power the German held. It's sad, I think, that the German culture is stereotyped as steeped in the color black surrounded by crossness and some sort of fury. As I left the states, at least two people I know mentioned something snide and sarcastic about Hitler. How sad. The only thing that some people know about Germany is Hitler's authority. 1933 - 1945. 12 years. That's all. And I dare say that most of that assumption and sarcasm is based on what they know about World War II. That brings the 12 years down to 6 years: 1939 - 1945. Don't get me wrong; I'm not excusing the Holocaust or the anti-semitism Hitler embraced. That's not the point. The point is that there is so much more to the German people than that sour time of their thousands-of-years history. The Germans, from what I can tell after three weeks, are moving on from that era. And I just think some people should follow them. They are even moving on from the age of the Berlin Wall. Free commerce appeals to the formerly-East Germans. I was able to go into any business in Leipzig and purchase what my little heart desired.

...blah, blah, blah... I could go on and on about how a formerly East German city is becoming more stable within the definition of Democracy (rather, "People's Republic"), but I will spare you my ramblings.

The bottom line is that I cannot wait to return to see again the friends that I made, taste the food, attend the St. Thomas Church Sunday Service, speak with the Germans (maybe next time I can better understand them and they me), ride the street trains, and feel it's sehr schönes Wetter. Come with me next time.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Final Days and Travels Home

The final days of my Leipzig adventures were engulfed deeply in my German class. My apologies for not keeping up to date with the blog. Besides learning the grammatical ways of the German language in the morning classes, I was with a group in the afternoons to study some of Leipzig's specialties, namely Leipziger Lerche and Gose. In order to learn about these two things, we were out in the community a good bit asking Leipzigers about them. What we found was that Leipziger Lerche is a pastry that dates back to the 18th century. (I'll leave you to follow the link to read a little about it if you's like.) Gose is a beer that actualy began being brewed in Goslar in the 11th century. It is now brewed in only a few places in Germany, and Leipzig is one of those places, namely the old Bayrischer Bahnhof. On Friday afternoon, everyone had to present their projects to the entire summer course group, and my group reenacted our tours of the Gose brewery and the Bakery in the form of a small skit. I was volunteered to be the brew-master answering all the Gose questions in order to inform the audience. So...I stood on stage with my little apron (as well as the rest of my clothes) and small script-prompt and acted like a German "braumeister." That's what held my attention most of the week. I did get a chance to be with people outside of an academic setting. I can say that I have made some international friends: 2 from Sydney, Australia and 3 from Leipzig. I was able to have dinner with them a couple of times, and each time we had the best time laughing and being together.
The Thomanerchor went on their annual holidays on Saturday 27 June, so I was not privileged this final week of getting to listen to them. As a matter of fact, I wasn't able to go to any concerts this final week, sadly. Bachfest ended with the Thomanerchor's final concert Friday 26 June, and the Gewandhaus Chor's final public performance was Mendelssohn's Paulus. There was not much after that...only the Ballett of Stravinsky's music. No concert reports in this post.
Yesterday's travels home were quite glatt (smooth). It was early, but my alarm awakened me at 3:45am, I caught my tram at 4:30 to the Taxi hang-out in front of the Hauptbahnhof (main train station), got to the airport by 5:15 and caught my plane to Munich at 6:00. I didn't have much of any layovers; just enough time to get to all of my connecting flights. From Munich I went back to Heathrow, which was much more stressful this time through. I only had 2 hours to get through border control, find my luggage (as Lufthansa only checked it to London instead of USA), check my luggage/ get a boarding pass and find my gate. I did a lot of speed walking. 2 hours might sound like a nice amount of time, but it really is not. Heathrow is way too large of a place...I'm pretty sure it's as large as a small town. When I got to the Passport/ Border control line, there were about 100 Saudi Arabians waiting in front of me. I paniced a bit, as I was sure such a long line would put me too far behind schedule. I finally got to the front of the line, and the Immigration officer asked me for my "landing card." I wasn't told of any such card, nor were there any large signs saying, "Landing cards, folks. Get your landing cards! Step right up!" So...I stepped out of line to fill out my little card that added a few grey hairs to my head. When I finished, the English were nice enough to me to let me go to the front of the increased line of immigrants. Below you will find the dialogue between me and the Immigration officer at Heathrow:
"Hello, sir." (as spoken with a THICK English accent...think "My Fair Lady" Cockney-ish)
"Good day."
"You haven't told me how long you'll be staying here."
"Ah. Sorry. I only will be here as long as it takes me to get on my next flight...maybe another 45 minutes."
"Too bad. London's a great place. Terminal three, please."
"Terminal fee?"
"Yep. Terminal three."
"Can I pay that here?"
And with confused eyes accompanied by a deeply furrowed brow, he leaned his big belly back in his chair. By then I figured out what he said...
"OH! Terminal THREE! I thought you said 'Terminal FEE'."
As I laughed, "You've never been to Heathrow before, have you, sir."
As I continued to laugh, "Only once, but I was not pressed for time like I am right now. You could have told me that I in fact DID have a terminal fee and that I needed to pay you."
He nobly answered me, "Nope. Wouldn't do that, sir. Good day to you."
After thanking him for his kindness, I hurried off to pick up my bag and get a boarding pass in Terminal three. I found my gate as people were boarding the plane, so all turned out nicely. To make it even better, I ended up with a seat to myself the entire 8 hour and 45 minute flight across the Atlantic and down USA's eastern seaboard.

Here I am at home. It's good to be here, but I do miss Leipzig already. I'll take Rachel soon.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Ballet

The Ballet was a good first experience. It featured the Music of Stravinsky, in particular Agnon, Les Noces, and Petruschka. Petruschka was the biggest and most well-known of the three pieces. The work is divided into four scenes:

"Scene I is set in the Admiralty Square, as it is the carnival fair. Men, women and children are taking delight in the attractions, walking around, quarrelling and laughing. Some drunks are showing off and two dancing girls are competing for the audience's attention. In one of the show booths, an old Charlatan plating the flute presents his three puppets - Petruschka, a Ballerina, and a Moor. Scene II is set in Petruschka's cell, with the walls decorated with stars and half-moons. Petruschka is forced back into his cell by the old Charlatan; he attempts to flee but the door is locked. Petruschka bemoans his fate, and when the Ballerina calls on him, he awkwardly confesses his affection for her. The Ballerina rejects his advances, however. Scene III is set in the Moor's room, decorated with palm trees and fruits. The Moor is lying on his bed playing with a coconut, which he tries in vain to open. Finally, he bows to it instead. The Ballerina enters the room with a trumpet and begins o dance; the Moor joins her. A jealous Petruschka then rushes in, and the two men start fighting, while the Ballerina runs away. Scene IV is set the same as scene I. In the evening, everyone is enjoying themselves on the square. Soon it starts to snow and masqueraders appear. Suddenly Petruschka, the Moor and the Ballerina run out of the puppeteer's show booth: the Moor goes after Petruschka and stabs him to death. Someone fetches the old Charlatan; he reassures everyone that Petruschka is not a real person but a puppet. Their minds set at rest, the people disperse. While the man is dragging away the lifeless puppet, Petruschka appears on the roof of the theatre booth, gesticulating wildly. The old Charlatan drops the puppet and disappears; Petruschka keels over."

Those are the program notes of the performance of Petruschka. Agnon and Les Noces did not have any program notes in I have some homework when I get back to the states. These two performances were more in line with 20th century, avant-garde choreography. Interessting display of flexibility... The dancers were quite good...I never realized the human body could do the things they pulled off. Interesting, but hard to follow at times. Petruschka, on the other hand, was choreographed in a bit more traditional style...costumes, props, etc... I felt like I was at an opera without the singers. It was much easier to follow.
The music was performed really well by the Gewandhaus Orchester...except Les Noces. The director of the Ballet chose to play a recording of the music. Unfortunate, really, but Les Noces is quite a score to pull orchestra with singers. That amounts to a lot of money toward performers' wages. Still, I was a bit disappointed with a recording in a professional performance. Besides the recording and the hard to follow choreography, it was a sucessful and uplifting experience. Those two things were minor in the grand scheme of the event.

I recommend that you find out where Petruschka (in English it's spelled "Petrushka") is showing and that you go see it. You will not be disappointed...unless the choreographer is not so good...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Das Mendelssohnhaus


After attending service at the Thomaskirche this morning, I ate a bite of lunch and scrambled off to see the living quarters of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartoldy during his tenure here in Leipzig. The house is way cool! Very beautiful. A lot of space to stretch-out. I took a few pictures of the place, got a program of the Mendelssohn concerts taking place across Germany this year, as it is his 200th birthday (in February) this year; then I headed back home to get ready for a concert of Stravinky's music later tonight. I've never been to a ballet, so tonight will be a first. I'll tell you all about it soon.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Leipzig Zoo

This morning I took a personal field trip to the Zoo. I have pictures, and a small video to show for the much fun I had. It seems that the Zoo spends a substantial amount of time and money on studying monkeys. There were quite a few encaged from several species, and they showed a video of the studies that are being executed on some of the little guys. They do psychological studies...watching it reminded me of reading about Pavlov's dogs. They would put food in these hard to reach places and watch the monkeys get it out. One study was done on an Orangutan, where two glasses of juice were shown to it, and he was supposed to pick the one with the most liquid in it...he accomplished his little mission every time. Anyway...enjoy!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Gewandhaus Singen

The Gewandhaus employs a good choir. Singing with them for the evening was really a pleasant experience. We were led through a warm-up by a student, and a lot of bodily kinesthetics were used...I noticed that last Sunday as well in the choir that sang Elijah. The Germans seem to be upholding the traditions of music education in Europe (natürlich!). There was, unfortunately, only one student conductor. Usually there are 3 or 4 I was told. We sang a piece by Scandinavian composer Knut Nystedt, Peace I Leave With You, from a set of 3 motets. Beautiful music! (Die Musik ist sehr schön!) We only spent our time on that motet, rather than singing through all of them...afterall, it was a masterclass not to see how many pieces we could sing, but it was for the student conductor. The conductor had good things and bad things...(like all conductors, I suppose). She had really good ears. She heard wrong notes, wrong pronunciation, etc... It seemed she had a musical idea for the piece. She didn't make much eye contact, and her gesture was all over the place and mostly unhelpful to the singers. Anyway... I could keep talking, but I'll spare you the conducting lesson. Overall, however, she was a normal conducting student working out her personal obstacles.
On to more exciting concert news... My Deutsch teacher found me a ticket to the "Stravinsky-Project" that is taking place on Sunday evening. It's a ballet the Leipzig Operhaus is doing consisting of Stravinsky's music. She got this ticket for me for 5 Euros. Only are going for much more than that, but she knows people at the Operhaus and is able to get great seats for cheap. to theballet I go!
Here is information on Quedlinburg, if you are interested, and information on Thale. These are the places I went last weekend. I believe the Quedlinburg site has a different URL for the English translation, but I'm not so sure of the Thale site. In the upper right area of the Thale site, you should see a British flag. Click on it, and voila! you have the translation.
Class has been going well. Today was the Friday phenomenon, where people have mentally shut down academically. Today's class was a little frustrating, but this has been the only day like this. Hopefully it won't be a problem next week.
Tonight I attend the Thomaskirche for another Bach Motetten; tomorrow I go to the Leipzig Zoo and another Bach Motetten. Look for more pictures in a couple of days.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

First day of Deutsche Klasse

Last night there was a meet-and-greet party for all of the students, and most of them are from the states. It calmed my nerves a bit to know that a lot of them have had either no German, as much German as I, or only a little more than I have had...whew. After yesterday's wandering around Leipzig with all of my possessions, I felt a little overwhelmed. And after today's first class, I feel much better about this adventure. The teacher speaks ONLY German to us, so that's something around which to wrap my brain. Although it's hard today, it will get better I'm sure...I would even feel slighted the experience if she taught us in English. Afterall, I came here to learn German! is the itenerary for each week:
9 - 12:30...class everyday
2 - 3:30...class
5 - 7...evening cultural activity (different choices each night)

The cultural activities include going dancing, bowling (I like to bowl, but I think I'll skip this...I can bowl at home.), and you guessed it...concerts. Bach/ Mendelssohn concerts, not pop music. There is a Stravinsky concert sometime in the coming weeks as well.

Well, I have had to post this at Starbucks, as I still have no Internet in my room. I only have 1 hour here before my connection expires.

bis Morgen!

Long Post...

Sunday, June 14
Leipzig's Music... sehr schön (is very beautiful). I heard at 9:30 this morning a Sunday morning service at the St. Thomas Church, where they performed Bach's Cantata, BWV 20 (Cantata number 20), some Mendelssohn and some more Max Reger...I'm beginning to feel like I missed something major in my Choral Literature class. Max Reger is all over the place. He lived from 1873 to 1916, and all I really know at this point is he composed very good music for choirs, also organ. I participated in the Lutheran service this morning, and I'm certain I am a fan of traditional liturgy...I just liked it a lot, despite my upbringings, as it was deeply moving...not just because it was Bach's music being played at the Thomaskirche but because it was Theologically correct and uplifting in every way. After the service, I sat down for some Mitteltagessen (lunch) and ordered what I thought was salmon soup with toast...instead I was brought liver dumpling soup. I have to say that it was very good. I'm not a liver and onions fan, but the last I checked I tasted that when I was somewhere in the neighborhood of ten years old. I might try it again... After looking at the menu again, I scolded myself on getting that completely wrong...lebenknödelsuppe (if I remember correctly) HAS to include liver. Leben=life, or when thought about creatively means "liver", knödel has to have something to do with dumplings and suppe = soup, pretty self explanatory. Ah experiences are new adventures, which means I'm living and learning. After Mitteltagessen, I took a walk to the Nikolaikirche (St. Nickolas Church), where Bach also had some responsibilities during his 27 year tenure in Leipzig. There was a brass ensemble rehearsing when I walked in, and I recognized some of the music as some of the US's favorite jazz tunes- When the Saints Go Marching In und Old Time Religion. I'm not sure why they were playing those tunes, as it is the time of the summer when Leipzig engages in the Bach festival... I stayed for a little while to take some pictures of the church and listen to the rehearsal. Some folks clapped after one of the numbers and they were quickly informed that it wasn't a performance. After leaving Die Nikolaikirche, I headed back to the Thomaskirche for a concert of Chorwerke von Mendelssohn und Reger (Choral works of Mendelssohn and Reger). I also heard an organ piece by Reger (are you noticing a Reger pattern here like I am...?). The performers were some professional German soloists (Sopran, Alt, Tenor, und Bass), Gerhard Weinberger as the Organist, the Thomaskantor (Music director at the St. Thomas Church) Gerog Christoph Biller was the conductor, and I was so privileged to hear the Thomanorchor Leipzig (St. Thomas boychoir) combined with the Dresdner Kreuzchor (The Dresden boychoir). Great choirs, great singing, OH! and I failed to mention I heard the Gewandhaus Orchester (The orchestra of the professional concert hall of Leipzig) contributing to all of this great music making. After the concert, I headed back to the hotel. It was getting dark, and I didn't really want to be out my feet are pretty much killing me. It's quite worth it, however.

More pictures posted on my photobucket page under "Leipzig Day 2."

Monday, June 15
Hotel Checkout and Registration
Today was rather uneventful, but full of events…if that makes sense what-so-ever. I checked out of the Hotel, found the Herder Institute, where the German class is offered, and they told me a lot of information including the whereabouts of my room. After speaking with the registration assistants, I hopped on a couple of trams to the vicinity of my 3-week dwelling and of course got lost looking for the place. They didn’t give me an exact map but only described how to get there. But I found it eventually. Among that information they told me was how to set up an Internet connection…all the instructions were in German and for a Windows machine. Not so good. I asked for instructions concerning a Mac, and naturally it’s different. So no Internet all day… I tried to follow the Windows directions, but I was told I need another procedure to do the job. Hopefully I can have that fixed tomorrow.
And on a better note, I got to see more of Leipzig. I wandered the Hauptbanhoff, the main train station, and it is the largest one in Germany. Not only is it a large train station, but it is a large mall-like area with clothing stores, grocery stores, and cafés. I now know where to go get food and all that I need. I didn’t take pictures today, but there will be more to come.
As it is almost 10:15 and I have to get up early, I shall rest my weary English ears that have been exposed to so much German so that I can be ready for more German tomorrow!

‘wiedersehen! Tschüss!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Walking around Leipzig

This morning I woke up around 10 to let my body rest after a long day and adjust to the 6 hours to which it isn't accustomed. I got up, ate a little breakfast, grabbed my Leipzig map and took to walking...a lot. The Lindner Hotel is about 4 or 5 miles from the city center, but it was a beautiful day of 65 - 72 degree weather. Walking was just fine with me. I headed toward the Zentrumnord (North central) portion of the city, where the Leipzig zoo is and the St. Michael church are located. I thought I might be able to hop on a train and get off at the St. Thomas Church, where Bach spent the last of his years (1723-1750). The Thomaskirche was the main objective for the day, and it was certainly the highlight. I couldn't find a train stop in the Zentrumnord, so I decided to snap a few quick pictures of the church before going south toward the Bachmoshere. Beautiful building. Adorning it is a grassy noll lined with roses...slight wind, chirping birds...beautiful day to see it. I wasn't allowed to take pictures of the interior, but I did get to go inside for a moment. Great was still set up from the previous evening's musical endeavors. I took a peek and headed toward Thomashof Straße to the musical Mecca. As I walked, I took photos of the city and it's old German architecture...I'm sure I looked like a tourist, but no one asked. I didn't really know what to expect on the journey, but I knew what the Thomaskirche looked like. I just kept my eyes open for the large white triangle between two spires. Then I saw it. At first glance it honestly took my breath away. It wasn't even the best view! I just saw it and instantly knew. I really couldn't believe I was looking at it with my own eyes. In fact, I don't think I really believed I was actually in Leipzig until that moment. Before I left the states, I looked up concert schedules for the Bachfest, which is happening now through the 21st, and I was excited to know that there would be a concert on the 13th, today. I was so involved in walking and looking for the place that I forgot all about the concert, and when I got there I realized I was in plenty of time to attend. I grabbed some lunch, and paid my two euros to listen to some timeless music. Lunch was interesting. The food was great, but it was the first time I actually had to speak to people who didn't speak English well. I walked up to the front of a restaurant behing the Thomaskirche, and inadvertently walked through a group of 20-somethings small circle. oops. It didn't really look like they were a group, as they were at separate tables, but as soon as I was in the middle of it, I quickly knew I wasn't welcome. I told them I was sorry and kept walking before they realized I was American and didn't speak German very well, and before they decided to put their large bicepts to use...Other than that, lunch was exquisite, and I paid and headed off to the church.
The concert brought me to tears. The organist was splendind and the choir was good, the Thomasorganist Ullrich Böhme and the Leipziger Oratorienchor. German professional musicians performing music by Germans in Germany...I was pretty much out of my skin. I was privileged to hear "Freie Phantasie" für Orgel on the Thomaskirche organ by Mendelssohn, "Der Mensch lebt und bestehet, op. 138 Nr.1" a piece for double choir by Max Reger (a new name for me...great music), "Meinen Jesum laß ich nicht" a cantata for soprano, choir, violin, viola, and organ. The congregation also participated in the final movement with the chorale melody, as is Baroque tradition in cantata performance. It was just awe-inspiring. We heard a seron of sorts, stood for prayer, recited the Lord's prayer (Vaterunser) in German, of course, sat and lastly listened to Bach's "Gott der Herr ist Sonn unSchild" cantata 79. This was a cantata written for Reformation celebration, and the text has ties to Psalm 84:12. A true jewel to hear inside the Thomaskirche walls. Then I walked back to the Hotel in complete silence...not because of the whole difficulty with the German language thing. I just couldn't bring myself to do anything but reflect as I walked.

I've posted pictures here.

Friday, June 12, 2009

So...ich bin hier!!

And I really thought it would be SO much HARDER than it was. Before I left, Rachel asked me if I was excited, and I told her that I was but not "giddy excited," meaning I didn't have a smile plastered to my face like the day of our wedding...wait...I promise I was (and still am) happy about that! But I was excited about travelling to Leipzig, but I wasn't so excited about leaving her behind, going by myself, not really knowing where I'm goinging, and not really knowing enough German. Sounds like a recipe for disater. But I got here 10,000 times smoother than I ever imagined I would. The hardest part was going through London's Heathrow airport...uhg. What a drag that place is. Seems like it has taken organization lessons from America's public schools...I mean...oops. Did I just type that? Really? Well, not ALL of USA's public education systems are quite that bad...maybe only the ones in which I've had some stake...possibly only one particular school... Anywho, note to self: Avoid Heathrow at all costs; unfortunaltely you have to go back through it on the way home... But really, though I had plenty of time to work out the Heathrow ordeal. I had five hours to figure out how to get a boarding pass for my next two flights (changing airlines was a new adventure for me) and find my boarding gate...plenty of time to feel like I haven't felt since registering for college the first time..."No, sorry sir. You're gonna have to go across campus to this building here and have THEM tell you what to do next...(meanwhile- back-at-the-Hall-of-Justice kind of thing for all you long time Superman fans)..."I'm sorry sir. You're going to head across campus from where you started...blah, blah, blah..." Ah, c'mon. You remember registering for college the first day...especially back before the user-friendly online registration. (Pretty sure I just dated myself...Thank Heaven the Internet and online registration isn't very old! Thanks Al Gore!)
Anyhoo... I get through Heathrow, which is the first stop of this LANGER Tag, and I'm off to Düsseldorf. 4 hour layover. Seemed like an ETERNITY. No one goes to Düsseldorf much. Smaller population than Dresden, TN. Cross my heart on that one. Finally board the plane to Leipzig/ Halle, and we are shuttled out onto the tarmac. This can't be good. One bus load. One plane full. It was the smallest plane I had ever realized I was going to ride. Smallest. Hands down. But you know, it was the smoothest ride of which I have ever taken part! Smoothest take, a few turbulent patches...and the smoothest landing ever! It really was quite amazing, and I congratulate and deeply thank my capitan of that flight.
So I get off the flight wondering if my luggage actually made it straight from Rahleigh, NC to Leipzig, De. I'm here to tell you that these people are good at what they do! My luggage was right there. I wasn't even given a baggage claim/ deck number. Picked it up, and off to get some food in the Leipzig/ Halle airport.
I get food, and the entire time I'm eating I'm thinking, "How am I gonna get to my hotel. Can I even FIND it? Maybe I'll take the train...but it's getting late, and I might have to sleep on the street. Oh my. I've never been this uptight and in knots in my LIFE!" All the while eating a salomi sandwich, which was quite good! I did enjoy my sandwich in spite of all that second guessing and, dare I say, THINKING too much.'s been a long day of I follow the Taxi signs. I'm here to tell you that the Taxi driver took me right to my Hotel. It only cost 30 Euros WITH the gratuity. I might have paid only the fare with that amount in the States. And here I am in my cozy little Lindner Hotel Leipzig room with a bed, an Internet connection, and a mini-bar. Now for some sleep to rid myself of jetlag and fatigue...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Today's Tunes

John Adams' Harmonium. (The link is to an exerpt of it.) Nevermind the conducting...when you become as prestigious as Simon Rattle your gesture can be whatever, I suppose. Rattle is conductor of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and since 2002 has been principal conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Today's Tunes

Yes...I'm still alive. Even after my first year of graduate work, I'm still breathing. So today's tunes will be a culmination of several days, inasmuch that "several days" constitutes several weeks...

1) Beyoncé...she has been a recent voice in my headphones, and the girl has some pipes; her song "Halo" in particular.
2) Of course Bach...I've been practicing "Minuet in G," and I'll be the first to testify that practice REALLY DOES work!
3) Portions of Heinrich Schütz' Geistliche Chormusik is entering my brain as I write.
4) Alberto Ginastera's Concerto for Strings. 20th Century piece, and it's ridiculously good! ...even with it's 20th Century dissonances that folks don't line up outside of the theater to hear.
5) Benjamin Britten's War Requiem. I don't know how many times I've sat down to listen to this piece, but I finally listened to it with the full score. It's much more genius than I ever gave it credit.
6) The singer Bryn Terfel has sung to me a lot this semester...either through Schubert lieder or as a soloist in large choral works. Terfel is a staple in the document of vocal music...yes, he's that good.
7) The choral works of Mendelssohn, including the masterwork Elijah, which has become my all time favorite oratorio...even over Handel and all of his genius.
8) Arvo Pärt's Miserere
9) Henryk Górecki's Miserere
10) Mozart's Mass in c favorite Mozart work. Unfortunately, it wasn't finished before he died.
11) Stravinski was truly one of the world's most fascinating composers. Symphony of Psalms and Rite of Spring...incredible stuff.
12) Shamelessly..."Billie Jean" Because she's not my lov-uh...she's just a guhrl...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Today's Tunes

So, I've been a little busy...ok, A LOT busy. But here's what's in the speakers lately:
1) Bernstein: Chichester Psalms
2) Bernstein: Kaddish Symphony
3) Bach: Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden
4) Schüz: Psalmen Davids
5) Shostakovich: String Quartets
6) Haydn: Piano Sonatas
7) Haydn: Paukenmesse
8) Mozart: Grand Mass in c
9) Damjian Mocnik: Christus est natus
10) Any of Mocnik's works should be given undivided attention.

And I just realized that all of these guys have something to do with Germany...and I'm taking German...and I'd like to go study in Leipzig sometime soon...and I have German heritage...
Coincidence? Nein! Es ist mein Schicksal!