Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ode to the Male Ensemble

So, I quickly felt bad about denigrating the male ensemble in my earlier post. Let me make it up to myself and to you. There's Cantus, The King's Singers, and a youth ensemble I have recently grown to didn't take me long. Here's a link to a clip of The Prayer of the Children (Kurt Bestor) performed by the guys of Amabile Youth Singers of London, Canada.

And the Mormon Tabernacle Men are fabulous as well. Battle Hymn of the Republic video. This is an SATB piece, but there are sections where the men are glory, glory, hal-le-glorious...I don't care if they are mormon and pray to the angel Moroni or Joseph Smith.
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Unknown said...

I enjoyed listening to your musical links. I got a little carried away when I went to the Morman Tabernacle Choir link and have been listening to several of their performances for the past hour! I have always enjoyed them and can't imagine what it would be like to hear them live. While listening to the Battle Hymn of the Republic I was wishing I had my snare drum to play. (That was the only musical ability I ever had when I played percussion in the band for a few years).

Rach said...

I clicked comment before I read it all...Very good thoughts, though.