Saturday, January 24, 2009

Today's Tunes

So, I've been a little busy...ok, A LOT busy. But here's what's in the speakers lately:
1) Bernstein: Chichester Psalms
2) Bernstein: Kaddish Symphony
3) Bach: Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden
4) Schüz: Psalmen Davids
5) Shostakovich: String Quartets
6) Haydn: Piano Sonatas
7) Haydn: Paukenmesse
8) Mozart: Grand Mass in c
9) Damjian Mocnik: Christus est natus
10) Any of Mocnik's works should be given undivided attention.

And I just realized that all of these guys have something to do with Germany...and I'm taking German...and I'd like to go study in Leipzig sometime soon...and I have German heritage...
Coincidence? Nein! Es ist mein Schicksal!


Rach said...

Yay for German!

Matthew Cook said...

Agreed! Yay for German. We should all go to Berlin in a couple years. I'd love to show you around. Plus we could visit Braunschweig, Wolfenbüttel, Wolfsburg pretty easily.

I hope you aren't listening to last year's New Pacer Singers singing "Lobet den Herrn." Our versions never were quite perfect.

bchadwick said...

Lucky for you that you got a Bach experience at UTM...

bchadwick said...

And yes, we should go to Berlin with you guys...