Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tuneful Tuesday...

Ok, I know it isn't Tuesday, but it's a "tradition" I started on this blog, and with my blogging habits...well, the two don't exactly mix well, and you're lucky to even be getting this post.

As, I've mentioned once or twice, graduate school is truly amazing; even after it gets busier than a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest. In Chamber Singers, we are doing a concert in October, which should be streamed on the ECU School of Music web page, and for that concert we are performing none other than Rutter's Hymn to the Creator of Light! I was ecstatic! If I get asked to conduct part of a Chamber Singers rehearsal, guess what I'm rehearsing... We're doing a Brahm's Motet (Schaffe in mir Gott), a Schumann Motet (Und ob ich schon wanderte) [after next semester or next fall I might be able to translate that for you], and a few other octavos - an Ave Maria and a couple of spirituals.

I am conducting William Byrd's Ave verum corpus in Choral Scholars, and it's many much fun. Along those lines of music listening, we have been talking about the early 1500s in choral literature class, so I am becoming more familiar with Palestrina. Whoa! Beautiful composer! I mean, I knew I liked his music before the class, but I'm becoming more aware of why I like it. Points of immitation, texture changes because of the music's text....blah, blah, blah.

In University Chorale we are doing a gorgeous Clausen piece, O My Luve's Like A Red, Red Rose and Sing Unto God by Paul Fetler. Great pieces!

In November, Chamber Singers will be performing Mozart's Requiem at least three times - once on campus, another time at a local church, and for the North Carolina Music Educator's Association. Oh! it's four times. once for some high school kids that come for choral festival...I hope they last 50 minutes and don't clap between movements...

That's about it for now. I have a feeling Tuneful Tuesday will become more random and ultimately will not link itself to Tuesday at all... Stay Tunedful, something.
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Thursday, August 21, 2008


So I'm not a good least I know it's not my calling in life.
However! Getting higher degrees IS, I believe, my calling. I didn't think school could possibly be any better than under graduate studies. Oh, no, mein freund! I absolutely LOVE graduate work. (At least for now.) You get paid to do what you're longing heart desires to do in academia. It truly is a beautiful should try it.
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Monday, August 4, 2008

New Whitacre piece

Eric Whitacre has scored a Kipling text, "The White Seal's Lullaby," for piano and SATB (we'll probably see it scored for other vocal ensembles if it isn't already available). Mr. Whitacre titled his piece "The Seal's Lullaby," rather than keeping Kipling's original title...perhaps a copyright issue? But here's a link to his blog about the premiere of the piece complete with recording! Enjoy!

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